Preparing for eleven plus interview

Preparing for the 11+ interview is an important step in the process, as it often forms a part of the selection criteria for certain schools. Here are some tips on how to prepare effectively:

Understand the Format: First, find out the format of the interview. Is it a formal interview, a group discussion, or a more casual conversation? Knowing this will help you prepare accordingly.

Practice Common Questions: There are common questions that are often asked in these interviews, such as “Why do you want to attend this school?” or “What are your favorite subjects and why?” Practice answering these questions in a clear, concise, and thoughtful manner.

Read Widely: Encourage your child to read books, newspapers, and magazines. This not only improves their reading and comprehension skills but also helps them to be more informed about the world, which can be beneficial during the interview.

Develop Conversational Skills: The interview is not just about right or wrong answers; it’s also about how well your child can communicate. Encourage them to engage in conversations at home on a variety of topics.

Mock Interviews: Conduct mock interviews at home to simulate the interview environment. This can help reduce anxiety and make your child more comfortable with the process.

Review School-Related Information: Make sure your child is familiar with the school – its history, values, and any notable achievements. This shows the interviewer that they are genuinely interested in attending the school.

Discuss Current Affairs: If your child is comfortable, discuss current affairs and encourage them to form and express their own opinions. This can often be a topic in interviews to assess a child’s awareness of the world around them.

Focus on Hobbies and Interests: Encourage your child to talk about their hobbies, interests, and any extracurricular activities they participate in. This helps to show a well-rounded personality.

Body Language and Etiquette: Teach your child about basic interview etiquette – like making eye contact, smiling, and good posture. These non-verbal cues can make a positive impression.

Stay Calm and Positive: It’s important to keep the preparation stress-free. Encourage your child and maintain a positive attitude to build their confidence.

Dress Appropriately: Ensure that your child is dressed neatly and appropriately for the interview. First impressions can be influential.

Travel and Timing: Plan the travel in advance and aim to arrive a bit early to avoid any last-minute stress.

Remember, the key is to prepare your child to be confident, articulate, and genuine. The interview is as much about personality and potential as it is about academic ability.

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