11+ Maths – Measurements

admin · December 25, 2023

Are you ready for an exciting adventure into the world of Measurements? We know you’ve been learning about this at school, and you might already feel like a measurement expert! This course is like a treasure map, helping you rediscover all those cool things about measurements you’ve already learned. 🌟

Why Measurements? 🤔

Measurements are everywhere! From cooking a delicious recipe to building a rocket model, measurements are our secret tools. They help us understand and describe the world around us in numbers and units.

What Will We Learn? 📚

  • Length, Mass, and Volume: Discover how to measure everything around you, from the length of your pencil to the amount of water in your bottle.
  • Units of Measurement: Inches or centimeters, grams or pounds? We’ll become masters in choosing the right units.
  • Estimation and Comparison: Can you guess how long a table is or how heavy your backpack is? Let’s play some guessing games!
  • Fun with Shapes and Sizes: Shapes are everywhere! Let’s find out how to measure different shapes and understand their sizes.

For the Eleven Plus Exam 🎓 This journey is not just for fun. It’s also a great way to prepare for your Eleven Plus Exam! Every step we take in learning measurements strengthens your skills and confidence for the exam.

Let’s Have Fun! 🎉 Get ready for interactive games, cool experiments, and lots of surprises along the way. Remember, you’re not alone on this adventure. We’re here to explore, learn, and have fun together!

So, gear up, young explorers! Let’s measure our way to success!

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20 Courses

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Course Includes

  • 1 Lesson
  • 1 Quiz