A guide for parents

Navigating the 11 Plus as a Parent: A Stress-Management Guide

Undergoing the 11+ exam with your child can be a trying time. To ease this journey, here are crucial tips to manage stress effectively for both you and your child during the 11+ experience.

Gather Essential Information Understanding the grammar school admissions process in your area is vital. Empower yourself with knowledge through these steps:

  1. Understand Admission Rules: Research the admission criteria of your preferred schools. Criteria might include the 11+ score, proximity, religious affiliation, sibling priority, or feeder schools. Access more detailed information in our 11+ Schools section.
  2. Stay Updated: Remember that admission rules can change annually. Avoid relying on outdated information; always verify current criteria as your child’s exam year approaches.
  3. Know the Test Format: Familiarize yourself with the specific tests your preferred schools use, including their content and schedule. Stay alert for any changes in test formats, as they can vary significantly.

Handling Your Stress Facing the uncertainty of your child’s future education can be daunting. However, maintaining calm and perspective is crucial. Remember, the 11+ outcome, while important, is just one aspect of your family’s life. Keep in mind the broader context of health, financial stability, and home security when considering the exam’s significance.

Managing Your Child’s Anxiety Even the most relaxed parenting approach cannot shield your child from all 11+ related stress. Playground discussions and peer influences can heighten their anxiety. Here’s how you can help:

  • Secure Their Future: Assure them that they have a bright future regardless of the 11+ outcome. This might mean discussing alternative schools, including less preferred options. Your confidence in their future plan is key to their sense of security.
  • Express Unconditional Pride: Let them know that your pride in them is based on their efforts and bravery, not just the test results. A successful outcome is a bonus, not a measure of your bond.
  • Consider Rewards Wisely: If contemplating a reward for post-exam, carefully think about its conditions. Rewards should ideally recognize effort rather than success to avoid added disappointment in case of an unfavorable result. This sentiment is echoed by many in our community and is a conviction of our editor, an experienced 11+ parent herself.

By adopting these strategies, you can help make the 11+ experience a more positive and less stressful journey for your family.


Our eleven plus skills builder is the perfect tool to help your child prepare and excel in their eleven plus exams.